Is Treatment From a Dental Implant Specialist in Leonardtown, Maryland Painful?

Is Treatment From a Dental Implant Specialist in Leonardtown Maryland Painful?

The need for dental implants can arise for a number of reasons. If you need to visit a dental implant specialist in Leonardtown, Maryland, you probably want to know how much pain to expect.

Here’s what you should expect in terms of pain from a dental implant surgery.

What Does a Dental Implant Specialist in Leonardtown, Maryland Do?

An implant specialist performs dental implant surgery. This procedure can create long-lasting results for those who are missing teeth. During a dental implant surgery, an artificial tooth is implanted into the jawbone.

There are a few general steps to this procedure. First, a natural tooth may be removed before a graft is applied to the target area to strengthen the jawbone. Next, a hole is drilled in the jawbone, and a metal implant is placed in this hole to act as an anchor for the artificial tooth.

After the anchor is placed, it’s necessary to wait for the osseointegration process to happen, during which the implant is integrated into the jawbone as the bone grows around it to help hold it in place.

This usually takes several months. Then, the crown is placed on top of the anchor / implant and secured in place. The exact procedure may vary slightly depending on individual need.

Is Dental Implant Surgery Painful?

The surgery itself should not be painful, since it’s performed with anesthesia. However, you will likely experience some pain after surgery. The pain should subside after about 10 days. Let your dentist know if it seems like your pain is lasting longer.

What Can Impact the Amount of Pain I Feel?

The exact amount of pain varies from patient to patient, since some procedures may be more involved than others, and some patients have greater pain tolerance than others.

If you get multiple implants at once, your pain level will likely be higher than if you simply get one.

Meet the Best Gentle Dental Implant Specialist in Leonardtown, Maryland

If you want careful, considerate, and thorough care, come see us at the office of Dr. Joseph T. Luke, DDS, MS. We provide high-quality dental implant services, thanks to the best dental implant specialist in Leonardtown, Maryland.

Give us a call at 301-880-4439 to make an appointment with us today. We look forward to helping improve your smile through implants or other cosmetic dentistry services!

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