What to Expect During a Free Emergency Dental Consultation in St. Mary’s City

Free Emergency Dental Consultation in St. Mary's City

Dental problems are scary enough as is but they’re even more so when they’re severe or sudden.

If your concern just can’t wait, then you may need a free emergency dental consultation in St. Mary’s City. Here’s what you should know first!

What Are Some Examples of a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is exactly what it sounds like – a dental problem that requires immediate medical attention. Not all problems need emergency dental services, which is why it’s important to know the difference between urgent and non-urgent issues.

Examples of dental emergencies include:

  • A knocked-out, partially dislodged, or cracked tooth
  • A dental abscess, which is a build-up of pus caused by an infection
  • Lost or damaged dental restorations, such as broken fillings
  • Severe toothaches, especially ones that are extremely painful or persistent

What Should You Expect at a Dental Emergency Consultation?

If you experience any of the above problems, call your dentist as soon as possible. Many have an emergency number for this exact reason.

During your free emergency dental consultation in St. Mary’s City, you can expect a thorough examination of the issue. This includes a discussion of how and when it occurred, a visual exam, and diagnostic testing if needed.

From there, your dentist will issue a diagnosis and discuss treatment options with you. For example, if you have a broken filling, your provider will restore it with a new filling.

Finally, they’ll prescribe suitable medications, provide aftercare instructions, and set up a follow-up appointment with you.

Can You Book a Free Emergency Dental Consultation in St. Mary’s City? Not Quite, But You Can at Dr. Joseph Luke and Dr. Jonathan Luke’s Practice in Leonardtown!

Our team is committed to providing high-quality care to improve your oral health, from root canals to same-day dental crowns!

Call us now at 301-880-4439 to schedule your appointment!

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