What Can a Dental Specialist in Leonardtown, Maryland Diagnose?

Dental Specialist in Leonardtown

While everyone knows that dental exams and cleanings are routinely performed at the dentist’s office, there are some other things that a dental specialist in Leonardtown, Maryland can treat to ensure your oral health, and thus overall health, is at its absolute best.

You may be surprised to learn that they’re not just looking for cavities or tooth infections.

So, What Exactly Does a Dental Specialist in Leonardtown, Maryland Check for When I’m in the Chair?

First, we’ll start with the basics. In addition to checking for tooth decay and cavities, as well as infections, your dental care specialist is checking your gums for signs of periodontitis, such as red or purplish color, tenderness, swelling, and pus.

They also look for receding gum tissue and damage, and they check for chips or cracks in your teeth, as well as broken teeth.

Additionally, your dentist is screening for type 1 and type 2 diabetes, which can be evident in your gums and teeth. While it may not be the most glamorous part of their job, they smell your breath, too.

Bad breath can be an indicator of several conditions they’re screening you for, such as salivary gland problems or even acid reflux. Also, they check the tongue, lips, and salivary glands for signs of oral cancer, as early detection is the key to saving lives.

Where Should I Go for the Best Dental Care in Southern Maryland for a Healthy Smile?

For the top oral care from dental specialists in Leonardtown, Maryland, turn to the father-son team, Dr. Joseph T. Luke and Dr. Jonathan Luke.

Our advanced education and training has helped us treat many satisfied patients in and around Leonardtown and Lusby.

Call us today at 301-880-4439 to schedule a cleaning and exam, and ask about cosmetic dentistry options for making your smile appear even more healthy and beautiful!

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