Best Emergency Dentist in La Plata, MD

Best Emergency Dentist in La Plata

Dental emergencies are different from medical emergencies, though sometimes they go hand-in-hand. It is important to understand what a dental emergency is and how it can be treated.

Whether or not your symptoms are consistent with a dental emergency, you should always contact a dentist for advice, so that you can get back to feeling better as soon as possible.

If you’re looking for emergency dental care, then you’re probably wondering where you can find the best emergency dentist in La Plata, MD. Read on for some more information on emergency dentists and how to know if finding one is right for you!

What Is A Dental Emergency?

If you are in pain, you are probably wondering if you can schedule an emergency appointment to treat the problem.

A dental emergency can cover a broad range of complaints, including but not limited to severe dental pain, uncontrollable bleeding from the mouth, knocked-out teeth, and infections. Not all dental issues constitute emergencies, so be sure to call ahead of time to make sure.

What Issues Count As Emergencies?

Knocked out teeth are definitely cause for an emergency. If you can, take your missing tooth and reinsert it into your gums. Though this may sound a little nerve-wracking, it helps preserve the tooth, saving you a lot of trouble in the long run.

If you can’t reinsert it, however, leave the tooth in a glass of milk. Call your dentist as soon as you can after the tooth is knocked out!

A broken or cracked tooth is also a reason for an emergency! The minute you notice the tooth has been broken, rinse your mouth with warm water. To keep swelling down, you can hold an ice pack to your face. This is another scenario where you want to call your dentist as soon as possible.

Not as often, toothaches can also sometimes be worthy of note. Not every toothache is going to merit an emergency dental visit. However, toothaches can often be a symptom of a deeper issue. They could be signs of cavities, grinding, or infection. It’s better to get a read on them sooner rather than later.

You also want to be sure that you treat loose or missing crowns as an emergency. Be sure that you catch your crown before anything else can go wrong, such as accidentally swallowing it! You have to be sure that you call your dentist as soon as your crown is loose or falls out, since your tooth is going to become more sensitive over time and harder to treat.

How Do I Schedule An Emergency Appointment?

Once you have determined that you need an emergency appointment you should contact a dentist as soon as possible. This appointment may not be with your usual dentist and you do not have to go to a practice where you are registered as a regular patient.

When you call the dental practice, explain the problem in detail and ask for an emergency appointment. Many practices will keep appointments available for patients seeking emergency help and staff at the clinic will be able to offer the next available emergency appointment.

What To Expect From An Emergency Appointment

When you arrive, your dentist will locate and treat the cause of the problem. If you are in severe pain your dentist will be able to diagnose the root cause of the issue and offer pain relief. In some instances, it may be necessary to remove a tooth causing pain but your dentist will explain and review this before it happens.

If you think you need an emergency appointment, contact Dr. Luke’s office at (301) 880-4439 to schedule an appointment and see what the best emergency dentist in La Plata, MD can do for you!

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