3 Tips for Avoiding an Emergency Dentist in Solomons Island, Maryland

Emergency Dentist in Solomons Island

Not only can dental emergencies be unnecessarily painful, but treatment can be costly. Many urgent dental care needs can be avoided.

So, if you want to do your best from seeking care from an emergency dentist in Solomons Island, Maryland, follow these three tips.

  • Follow Good Oral Hygiene Practices

What is good oral hygiene? This includes brushing your teeth at least twice a day, though it’s ideal to brush after every meal. Floss at least twice a day. If you don’t practice good oral hygiene, you increase your risk for cavities as well as tooth infections.

  • Regularly Visit Your Dentist

You should be visiting your dentist every six months for dental check-ups and cleanings and have X-rays taken once a year to provide a picture into the health of your teeth. It’s essential to have a professional clean your teeth because they’re able to clean areas you may be missing when brushing.

  • Practice Prevention

Probably the biggest things to stay away from to avoid an emergency dentist in Solomons Island, Maryland are hard foods and dangerous sports. Hard foods can crack teeth, requiring an emergency visit. Be sure to wear proper protective gear when playing sports that place you at a high risk for oral injury.

  • Seek Care at the First Sign of Trouble

If you have a toothache or other concern that doesn’t seem to be too troublesome, see your dentist anyway. Many issues such as tooth pain do not improve on their own and worsen over time, turning into an emergency later.

If You Do need an Emergency Dentist in Solomons Island, Maryland, Choose Southern Maryland’s Top Dentists, Which You Can Find Right Here

We’re here to help you in your time of need and to fix any emergency dental needs you have, as well as provide preventative care to help you avoid them. Give us a call at 301-880-4439 or request an appointment online now!

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